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Our lab does not discriminate against students on the basis of political affiliation, gender, ethnicity, age and religion or any other basis protected by law.

Research expertise

We work with various type of biomass for bioactive compound extraction. What about the biomass waste? We valorize them into various valuable materials, such as composite adsorbent, biochar, catalyst, and many more...

We develop hydrogels by utilizing various natural polymers including cellulose, alginate, chitosan, and so on, for various applications including plant/seed germination, wastewater treatment, drug-delivery, wound-dressing, etc...

Adsorption, Wastewater Treatment
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My name is Shella Permatasari SANTOSO, I received Ph.D. degree of Chemical Engineering at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech.) in 2016. Since then, I sustainably develop research experience in the areas of "green-material" synthesis for various application (as mentioned above).

I am now Associate Professor in the Chemical Engineering Dept., Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, since 2017. Before that, I work as Postdoctoral Fellow in Academia Sinica, Taiwan, where I am working with 3D imaging of protein using TEM technology.


Research interest: Material synthesis, Adsorption, Bioactive extraction, Hydrogels.


Download my CV: link by ORCID

Research Sneak Peek 

We are focusing on developing "green" materials and technology to support the world sustainability and safe the Earth

Our Projects

Synthesis of adsorbent composites


Hydrogels for adsorption, drug-delivery, and wound dressing


Biomass valorization


Bioactive extraction

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